
Call for Expressions of Interest in Joining the ArtsLink NB Board of Directors

Are you passionate about arts and culture and the vibrancy of our province? Join our board! ArtsLink NB is looking for professional artists and arts enthusiasts to help steer our organization.

One 2 One: Branding and Self Promotion with Alex Weaver Crawford

Branding and Self Promotion with Alex Weaver Crawford is our next One 2 One. These one-on-one sessions will give participants specialized feedback on their online brand, including social media, website, and other sections. The time slots are now full, but you can join the waitlist by selecting the button below.

We’re Hiring a Summer Intern for 2024

We’re seeking an energetic and enthusiastic candidate with a desire to work in the arts and culture sector. Applicants should have strong communication skills and be able to work independently on projects.

Impacts and Challenges of Cultural Venues in New Brunswick: Summary of Survey Responses

Hill Strategies Research released a satellite report on March 12, 2024, summarizing the findings of the Cultural Venues Survey that was circulated this past summer.